Pegi Info


PEGI (Pan European Game Information) - Video Game Rating System


PEGI provides age ratings and content descriptors for video games across Europe, aiding consumers in making informed decisions about game suitability.

Rating Symbols:
  • 3: Suitable for all ages.
  • 7: May contain mild violence or language.
  • 12: May contain moderate violence or themes.
  • 16: May contain strong violence or language.
  • 18: Intended for adults only.

Content Description:

Violence: Depiction of physical conflict, including fighting, shooting, or combat. May include blood or gore.
Language: Use of profanity, offensive language, or derogatory remarks.
Fear: Scenes or elements intended to evoke fear or suspense, such as horror themes or jump scares.
Sex: Depiction of sexual content, including nudity, sexual behavior, or suggestive themes.
Drugs: Reference to or use of drugs or alcohol within the game.
Discrimination: Depiction or portrayal of discriminatory behavior based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or other characteristics.

Additional Information:

Online Interactivity: Indicates if a game allows online interactions.
In-Game Purchases: Alerts consumers to the presence of microtransactions or DLC.
Purpose: Assists parents in selecting age-appropriate games.
Enforcement: Legally enforced in select European countries.
Note: PEGI ratings empower consumers to make informed choices regarding the content of video games, ensuring suitability for different age groups.