The gaming world is in turmoil as persistent rumors suggest that Microsoft could unveil the Xbox Next much sooner than expected, as early as 2026. This information comes from well-known gaming industry journalist and expert Jeff Grubb, who shared some intriguing details during his latest podcast. Grubb, who has already been behind several specific leaks regarding the PS5 Pro, claims that Microsoft has concrete plans for the next iteration of its flagship console.


Microsoft Gaming is a multinational video game and digital entertainment division of Microsoft. Microsoft Gaming produces the Xbox brand of video game consoles and services, in addition to overseeing the production, game development, publishing, research and development, sales (hardware, software, and services) of Xbox and the division's three subsidiaries (publishers) worldwide.

- Microsoft Gaming


According to information provided by a reputable source, Microsoft is actively working on the Xbox Next, considering both an improved Pro version and the design of an entirely new console. This news comes as many video game enthusiasts are speculating about the rapid evolution of technology in the industry, prompting manufacturers to accelerate their development cycles.

Grubb's statement hints at an exciting time for fans of the Xbox brand, as Microsoft appears poised to take the lead in the race for the next generation of consoles. If this information is confirmed, it could mean that players could soon get their hands on cutting-edge technologies, offering performances never before seen in the world of video games.

It's important to note that while specific details regarding the features of the Xbox Next remain scarce, the idea of a Pro version suggests significant improvements over the Xbox Series increased processing power, improved graphics resolution, and perhaps even innovative features that could redefine the gaming experience.

Microsoft's competitors, such as Sony with its PS5 Pro, will also have to deal with this potential acceleration in the launch schedule for next-generation consoles. The video game industry could thus witness a real competition to attract players with ever more attractive offers.

While this information has yet to be officially confirmed by Microsoft, excitement and anticipation is already building among video game enthusiasts hoping to learn more about the next step in the Xbox's evolution. Stay tuned for all updates regarding Xbox Next, as it could well shape the future of interactive entertainment.

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